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Mountain Pepper (Wild Harvested)
*1: Air Dried $170pkg /2: Freeze Dried $220pkg /3: Milled $185pkg /4: Milled Leaf $90 pkg /5: Retail Packet (POA: Price on Application)**

Botanical name: Tasmannia lanceolata
Common names: Pepper leaf/berry, Mountain pepper, Native pepper.

Grows naturally in the temperate forests of Tasmania, Victoria and southern New South Wales. A coloniser of cleared land. Both berries and leaf are used as flavourings in food. They contain (polygodial) having a unique pepper aroma and flavour. Used in savoury dishes with meat,cheese, eggs, sauces, baking, pasta etc. The berries first taste is sweet and fruity then a hot bite.The leaf has a forest flavour and hot bite. Tasmania lanceolata also has antimircobial,antifungal and insect antifeeding properties. Contains very high levels of antioxidant.


Lemon Myrtle
*Lemon Myrtle Whole Leaf$90 / Milled $100 pkg SA. PRODUCT
( Except Western Australia) Due to myrtle rust status in QLD / NSW / VIC.

Botanical name: Bachousia citriadora
Common names: Lemon ironwood. Sweet verbena tree and Lemon-scented myrtle.

Growing on the eastern side of The Great Divide,coastal rainforest. Northern New South Wales and Queensland. Myrtle leaf is used in sweet and savoury dishes, teas,diffused in oils,sweets,baking etc.Also used in purfumes. Therapeutic properties include antiviral.sedative,antifungal and aromatherapy oils…..


Bush Tomato (Wild Harvested)
*Whole Fruit $100 pkg / Milled Fruit $110 pkg

Botanical name: Solanum centrale
Common names: Bush tomato, Akudjurra, Desert raisin

Growing throughout arid Central Australia into the Western desert,Northern Territory,South Australia and Western Australia. The small orange round dried fruit is harvested from around April through till June.Depending on climatic conditions.Its also a colinizer. ***CAUTION**** Green unripe fruit contain toxic solanine, so fully ripe orange dry fruit should only be eaten. The taste of bush tomato is very savory.It has bitter seeds and sweet pulp. Lending its self to spice up sauces ,chutneys,soups, nuts,pasters,oils etc Widely used as a traditional aboriginal food,still today.In good seasons still outstrips cultivated tonage harvested.


Quandong: Santulum acuminatum (Wild harvested & plantation grown)
*1: Dried Fruit $145-170pkg /2: Seed/Kernel from $7 pkg upwards (craft & reveg +gst) for eating no gst. /3: Fruit Leather $80pkg /4: Fruit Powder $170 pkg-air dried /5: Fruit Kibbled $160 pkg-air dried /6: Retail Packet (POA)

Common  names: Wild Peach, Sweet Quandong, Native Peach

Traditionally Aboriginals used S. acuminatum in the arid regions of Australia as a food source. The red fruit was collected in season,outer fleshy layer was eaten  when ripe.Sometimes pressed into a ball and dried then eaten later. Kernels of the pitted stone were also roasted and eaten. As well as  ground and used as a liniment.They contain 25% protein and 50% oil. Fruit has a sweet to tart flavour. It has a high vitamin C content, antioxidant capacity, Mg and Zn. Today quandong is much sought after to make pies, jams, sauces and chutneys. Also made into liquor and  fruit leathers.


Old Man Saltbush: Atriplex nummularia
*Milled Leaf $95pkg / Whole Leaf $100 pkg

Old Man Saltbush (Atriplex nummularia) is a large erect sprawling shrub, from 3m high to 5m spread, occurs in all main land states.

Plant occurs in watercourses, floodplains where water can collect. Drought tolerant. Increasingly used to revegetate saline country in agricultural land to increase productivity. Also used as a tool in integrated pest manager in the horticultural industry.

Traditionally seed was collected ground and roasted as a damper in the coals. The leaves are used as a spice in the food industry, for meats and vegetables, dukkas. Having a salty taste, full of mineral salt, high in protein and antioxidants.


Strawberry Gum: Eucalyptus olida
*Milled Leaf $160pkg  ..

A tree to 20m restricted to the northern tablelands of NSW. Leaves are very aromatic, having a high oil content of up to 98% of methyl cinnamate. Also a high antioxidant activity.

Used in the bush food industry. As a spice, for flavouring with fruit, sweets and herbal teas etc.


Native Lemon Grass: Cymbopogon ambiguus
*Leaf $100 pkg – milled   10mm & below tea grade $100 pkg

Plant erect to 1m, densely tufted, highly aromatic blue grey leaves. Perennial grass, occurs in rocky creeks ‘between a rock and a hard place’, rocky / shale, hilly slopes. flood plants.

Traditional used as a important medicinal plant to treat scabies, join and muscle pain, fever, smoke or vapor bath. Strong cleansing lemon aroma inhaled for chest complaints.

Leaves can be steeped to make a tea for a calming effect, digestion / stress.

This grass is a good pioneer species, very important in stabilizing steep slopes and flood out area. Also very fire-tolerant, often the first plant to shoot out after a fire event.

Seed propagated or broadcasted on site, to remediate hydrocarbon contaminated sights to break them down.


Desert / Native / Wild Lime: Citrus glauca
*Fresh fruit in season (Early December) $30 pkg /
Powder $280pkg

A small erect tree to 9m or spindly shrub, often suckering from the under ground rhizomatous stem. Often very spiny with young to protect itself from grazing. Drought tolerant foliage grey-green in colour. Occurs on sand, through to rocky clay areas. S.A., N.S.W. and QLD.

The round to oval fruit becomes yellow when ripe, 1.2-1.5cm diameter. Ripens from Oct (QLD) through till Dec (S.A.). Fruit has a very distinct lime flavour, makes great marmalade / chutney, cordials, glasses fruit, ice cream and sweets.


Australian Finger Lime: Citrus australasica /plus Kakadu plum freeze dried powder :Terminalia  ferdinandiana
*Powder $ 300pkg

A shrub to small tree, occurring in rain forest, south eastern, QLD and northern NSW. The finger like shaped fruit grow up to 10cm long, fruit colour from green-yellow though to reddish / purple.

Can be used with seafood, salads, pasta, sushi, curry and dukka.


Muntries: Kunzea pomifera
*Freeze Dried Fruit $450pkg Sorry no collection due to fires…

Prostate, sometimes semi-upright bush. Occurs on coastal areas and inland from Portland (VIC) to Eyre Peninsula and Kangaroo Island in S.A.

An important traditional food source, ripening in the summer months. Having a resinous, spicy/ fruity, apple flavour. Means its ideal for sweet, pies, desserts and jam making. Also high in antioxidants.


Native Apricot: Pittosporum angustifolium (syn. P. phylliraeoides)
*1: Seed $35(inc. gst) per 100g /2: Seed in Pod $99 (inc. gst) pkg /3: Leaf $17 per 100g

Common names: Weeping pittosporum, butter bush, native willow gumbi gumbi (QLD), apricot tree, poison berry tree, and false sandalwood.

A tree to 7m occurring in arid inland areas, all mainland states of Australia. Drought tolerant. *CAUTION* Fruit is inedible. Traditionally aboriginal people of central QLD used the pounded leaves to help with eczema, skin irritations and arthritis, also for colds and fever. A warm compress of leaves would help bring on milk in nursing mothers. Some people use the leaves of the plant in a tea as treatment for certain kinds of cancer. (Refer: Link1 & Link2) Also  selling (Wilga) Geijera paviflora  leaf $ 250 pkg in same  family(Rutaceae)


Sandalwood Seed: Santalum spicatum
*Seed $45 pkg (craft & reveg +gst)

Small tree to 4m, foliage grey green to dull and waxy, flesh of fruit inedible a highly valued aromatic wood thought South East Asia. The tree is a partial root parasite. Growing in semi arid regions. The nut is very edible, traditionally ingested for arthritis, also externally used application for wounds. (Refer: Link1)

**Seed & Nuts for Crafts**


Bat’s Wing Coral: Erythrina vespertilio
*Seed $99 (inc. gst)

Tree to 10m with wrinkled, corky bark, deciduous tree, occurring in the northern part of Australia, QLD, NSW, NT, WA, and far north SA.

Seed used for revegetation and craft *CAUTION* Seed not to be sucked – may cause miscarriage pregnant woman.


Ficifolia Cross: E. calophylla
*Nuts $11 pkg (+. gst)


Sheoak: Allocasuarina verticillata
*Nuts $11 pkg (+. gst)

**Seed Sales for Revegetation**

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